Your personalised gift!
If you have a special piece you would like me to develop with you that represents your life , friendship group or relationship I would love the opportunity to develop a piece that is uniquely yours!
Spread a smile share the joy!
Here are some examples of personalised gifts.
Salisbury Cracked Pavement
Pringle Platter
( USA)
A Bath Bloat
A piece created for 14 year old that loved Hippos. A Bloat is the collective for a group of hippos which is a rather lovely term!
Gift or Keep sake!
The process of making an individual piece can take a few weeks. Don’t leave it to the last minute! To make a piece goes through a few stages- design, build, first fire, glaze and a final firing.
“Instead of worrying about what you can not control, shift your energy into what you can create.”
Inhale the future , exhale the past!